Online Academy


Recte Sapere Fons

All courses within the academy

ECO102 Introduction to Macroeconomics

GES101— Use of English

ECO103 Structure of Nigeria Economy

ECO202— Introduction to Macroeconomics

ECO302 Macroeconomics

GEO141— Ibadan Region

GEO181— Introduction to Map Reading and Interpretation

MAT351 Numerical Analysis

MAT241 Ordinary Differential Equation

CHE176 Organic Chemistry 1

CHE326 Inorganic Chemistry 3

MAT 141 Analytical Geometry and Mechanics

ZOO112 The Mammalian Body.

LIS212 Introduction to knowledge management

CHE126 - Inorganic Chemistry 1

SOC215 The structure of Nigeria Society

SOC104 Introduction to Population Studies

SOC103 Introduction to Basic Institutions

GEY247: Principles of Stratigraphy

POS112: Nigerian Constitutional Development

SOC206: African Social Institutions

Lin 141



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ECO102 Introduction to Macroeconomics

GES101— Use of English

ECO103 Structure of Nigeria Economy

ECO202— Introduction to Macroeconomics

ECO302 Macroeconomics

GEO141— Ibadan Region

GEO181— Introduction to Map Reading and Interpretation

MAT351 Numerical Analysis

MAT241 Ordinary Differential Equation

CHE176 Organic Chemistry 1

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